Atlantic Photos

Contributed by David Backlin
From a 1932 Atlantic map. Submitted by Robert Droz
1960 Atlantic map scan from Robert Droz
Another 1960 map scan from Robert Droz
A 1969 Atlantic-Richfield map scan from Robert Droz
ATLANTIC GAS station, a former ARCO (Oh, the irony!) on
Atlantic Avenue and Whittier Blvd., in East Los Angeles.
From J. Eric Freedner, 2-18-2004.
Note: This is an independent brand, not related to Atlantic-Richfield.
Old Atlantic pumps at this hardware store on County Road 340 in Bird-In-Hand, PA.
Photo taken on March 22, 2005 by Tod Allen.
Closer look at the pumps at the Old Village Store in Bird-In-Hand, PA.
Photo taken on March 22,2005 by Tod Allen.
Front and back of a 1948 Australian Atlantic map.
(Not related to U.S. Atlantic companies.)
Atlantic came to Australia in 1924. Gasoline was called Union.
In 1948 the gas grades were Extra and Flash.
in 1950 the company was called Atlantic Esso,
and then in 1962 became Esso.
Map scans and information from Jim Sonter.
See also: